Saturday, March 24, 2012

I'm back! And this time, I brought a baby!

Since it's been 26 months since my last blog post, I figure it's time for a new one. Now what to write about? Like any new parent, the first thing that pops into my mind is my baby. So like every new parent, that's what this blog will be about. So if you don't like babies, or just don't like MY baby, now's your chance to click away from this page before you regret reading further.

As this is my first blog about Asha, who is already 4-1/2 months old, I'm going to just write one huge paragraph about things she likes, hates, things she does, etc.

Asha likes putting everything in her mouth. She doesn't like being read to when she's tired. She sings, or it seems like singing anyway. She doesn't know her times tables yet. She has slept through the night ever since 2 days before her 3 month birthday. She mostly sleeps in the car, otherwise she just looks around a lot. Except for a couple times at the beginning to see if she'd like it, she hasn't used a pacifier. However, she will use Daddy's finger quite often. Asha has an innie. Her eyes are still blueberry blue, and her hair is light brown/dirty blond, although both may change over the next 6 months or so. She likes hearing the sound of her legs stomping on the mattress. She never liked having her arms swaddled. We swaddled her for awhile, but she always managed to get her arms free. She can roll onto her front and then back again. Usually she rolls to the right. We think Asha is a lefty. She loves playing the piano, or at least hitting the keys and hearing the noise it makes. Since we've taken many thousands of photos of her already, she is very used to the camera. She seems to know what the baby monitor camera is. We'll wake up and find her in a strange contorted position so that she's able to stare directly into the monitor. It's quite freaky. She gets a lot of toejam from her socks. She gets some boogers, but not too many. She likes to be moving more than staying still. As a result, she's not much of a cuddler....unless she's tired. She has been scared a couple times when seeing certain men. We're still figuring out what it is about them that scares her. Maybe certain features? It might be facial hair, althout since I have facial hair quite often, I'd think she'd be ok with it. She likes whistling. She loves music. Even as a brand new baby, she'd immediately pay full attention when being sung to. She has tasted grapes, and seems to like it. She likes animals. She doesn't mind bathtime. Asha stares at Rina and I when we eat. We'll give her real food soon. Mashed sweet potatoes will be first. She pretty much doesn't cry. Even though they are very small, her feet stink sometimes. She grew 6 inches in her first 4 months. I don't know if that's unusual, but it's funny that she has basically grown by the height of her head since being born. She has a flat spot on the back of her head and might need to wear a helmet for a couple of months. We'll find out in a couple of days what the story is with that. She likes to flail her arms, scratching anything her razor-like fingernails come in contact with...especially Mommy's face. When she's tired, she squeals a lot. She left the hospital weighing 6 pounds, 3 ounces. 4 weeks later, she weighed exactly 10 pounds.