Sunday, September 6, 2009

Kars for Kids

Donate your car today!

This is the coolest, catchiest song I've ever heard in my life. It's part of a commercial for a car donation company that I hope you all have had the fortune of hearing. The first time around, there is a kid who sings it. Presumably a boy of perhaps 7 or 8 years, this kid has a voice made for this commercial. Then some dipshit goofball who is supposed to be the kid's father takes his turn at singing the jingle. Then finally after hearing a blurb about the company, they end with a third and final go-around sung by both the kid AND the "father".

Instead of me just going on about how fabulous this thing is, take a moment to open a new web browser and find it on youtube or google. Don't come back here until you've found and experienced it. ............. Did you do it? Yes? Isn't it so good?!?!?! I told you!!! Now play it again and again until it sticks in your head. Make sure you memorize it. Then go around singing it for people. Lots of people. People you don't even know. I like to call people I know and leave voicemails for them where I just sing that song a few times. Sort of like a token of good fortune next time they check their messages. And everyone I sing it to, they all LOVE it too! I haven't found anyone that doesn't like it so far, and by now I have pretty much sang it to everyone that I know and don't know.

Feel free to sing it loud and clear anytime you are around me. And don't be surprised if you hear me join in for a verse or two. The verse is just so good that they just keep repeating it!! It's just too good to switch it up and sing about something else. They don't even tell you what the money they make off your car goes towards specifically. It goes to kids so we're told. That could be the CEO's kids for all I know though. I don't have a clue. And you know what? I don't care at all. I love this song so much I wouldn''t even care if they used the money to buy a few rounds of Domaine de la Romanee-Conti wine for every maximum-security prisoner in America.

In short, I know this jingle kicks ass. And I know you do too. So if you, like so many others, try to tell me you hate it, I can see through your feeble lies. Something of such greatness can't possibly be ridiculed or scorned without it being quite obvious that the accusor is merely speaking out of simple jealousy. I can't even really blame them. I wish I could have come up with that brilliant verse. I wish I could sing it like that kid. I wish they took out that goofball of a "father" from the commercial. Let me be clear and say that this nincompoop deserves plenty of criticism. He sucks. But no criticism can be justly given of the jingle or of the kid who sings it. I hope it stays stuck in my head all day tomorrow. 1-877-KARS-4-KIDS. Donate your car today!!!

Here are a few links to show you how much others love this jingle...